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Customized Self-Employment: The Basics $87.50
GHA Courses

Customized Self-Employment: The Basics

Customized self-employment, or CSE, is an effective solution to the chronic problems of unemployment and underemployment for people with disabilities and other barriers to work. It offers a promising option for the many people with significant disabilities who remain in day programs or other non-work activities across the country and have no other prospects of being employed.

In this course, you will learn the basics of CSE. You will learn about the purpose of CSE, its benefits, its core elements, and how it varies from other forms of employment. The course will equip you with the knowledge necessary to respond to any questions that the people you support may have about CSE. It will also provide you with strategies to assist the people you support in pursuing CSE.

ITEM: #1625990
Customized Self-Employment: The Basics
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