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Core Values and Teamwork for the Caregiver $15.00

Core Values and Teamwork for the Caregiver

This course teaches non-licensed direct care workers the skills to provide quality, person-centered care. Participants will explore the role and responsibilities of the caregiver, focusing on core values like empathy, respect, and compassion. They will also learn about the care team and strategies for effective teamwork. By the end of the course, learners will feel more confident in their role and in supporting each person’s unique needs.
ITEM: #1709424
  • Florida Board of Nursing - Certified Nursing Assistants
    CE Broker 24 Hours Badge

    This is not an accredited course for professional license renewal. Florida CNAs may use this inservice toward meeting their annual inservice requirement.

    This activity is approved for 1.0000 contact hours.
  • Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (ALL Direct Care Workers)
    Relias Learning, LLC is approved as a Curriculum Developer by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. This activity is approved for 1.0000 contact hours for all WA State Direct Care Workers. Training Provider Code: WA0624. CE Approval Code: CO2538800
Core Values and Teamwork for the Caregiver
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